Theory and Practice of Acupuncture


What Does Acupuncture Treat?

By resolving the root cause of any disease or pathology both internally and externally, acupuncture is able to treat a wide range of conditions. It is also a powerful tool for preventive care to keep you healthy into your wiser years. In my practice I specialize specialize in treating Orthopedic and Neurological conditions as well as chronic pain and digestive disorders.

  • Orthopedics/Sports Medicine- pain, strains, sprains, fractures, postural imbalance, joint replacement recovery

  • Neurological Disorders- stress and anxiety, PTSD, neuropathy, traumatic brain injury recovery, stroke rehabilitation

  • Chronic Pain Conditions- fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, migraine/headache patterns, chronic pain of any etiology

  • Digestive disorders- Crohn’s, SIBO, pain, bloating, reflux, irregular BM’s

Please email Mason with any questions about your own health concerns to see if acupuncture and herbal medicine can help.

How Acupuncture Works and What it Treats- Blue Spruce Acupuncture

How Does Acupuncture Work?

The theory of traditional acupuncture is to treat the root of any condition and to bring the body’s internal systems back to balance and homeostasis. This allows the body to heal itself as it has evolved to do. Acupuncture channels and points throughout the body allow the practitioner to influence each system of your body using needles, heat therapy, and touch wherever there may be disharmony. This disharmony can arise from a wide array of factors including stress, emotional and physical trauma, external pathogens, genetic predispositions, malnutrition, and more. As a practitioner, I aim to accurately identify each imbalance and its etiology, so as to treat the root of each condition, the accompanying symptoms, and to prevent the recurrence of those symptoms. From a Western standpoint, acupuncture does this on several levels. Research has proven that acupuncture has a significant effect on the muscles and connective tissue, the circulatory system, the central and peripheral nervous systems, hormone levels, lymphatics, endorphins, and more. Whether you are looking for an alternative to the western system or an adjunctive treatment to boost and support your western protocol, acupuncture is a safe and reliable medical option.

What to Expect During Your Acupuncture Treatment

When you arrive for your first appointment, we will discuss your health history and current chief complaints in detail to obtain a thorough understanding of each aspect of your health condition. Next I will check your pulses, look at your tongue (both diagnostic tools), palpate any areas of concern, and perform any orthopedic tests or postural assessments necessary. At this point, your work is done. For the remainder of the treatment you get to relax on the table while I administer acupuncture and other appropriate modalities including cupping, moxibustion (heat therapy), gua sha, and tui na (myofascial work). You will rest for 20-40 minutes on the table and then be on your way to feeling great! Acupuncture needles are incredibly small and minimally invasive. They are approximately the diameter of one hair, or to put it in needle perspective, 1/10th the size of the needles used to draw blood at the doctor’s office. Patients feel anything from a mosquito bite pinch to a dull achy sensation to nothing at all when needles are inserted. Once on the table, most patients find themselves falling asleep due to the parasympathetic rest response induced by acupuncture.