Beyond the Treatment Room

Self-Care and Wellness

Self-Care and Wellness- Blue Spruce Acupuncture- Highlands, Denver, and Lakewood


The world of diet and nutrition has become overwhelming and often confusing. A new fad diet and superfood emerges every day, and it can be stressful to feel like we have to stay on top of all the new information. While I believe that what we put into our bodies is as important as any other factor in our health, it has to be done in a reasonable, affordable, and sustainable way. If eating well becomes too stressful, that stress can be just as damaging as the unhealthy foods we want to avoid. My approach is to keep things simple and to meet each patient where they are to help them find their own way to eating healthily. Different people thrive on different eating habits, depending on their constitution, and it is my goal to help each individual find that perfect balance of health and happiness on their plate.

Self-Care and Wellness- Blue Spruce Acupuncture- Highlands, Denver, and Lakewood


Of the three columns of self-care presented here, mindfulness and stress management are often first to be forgotten in our culture in the United States. Maintaining our emotional well-being and processing the stressors in our life is not always easy. Tools like acupuncture, meditation, exercise, and being connected to a community of support have been found time and time again through research to be the most effective tools for regulating stress and other psycho-emotional conditions like depression and PTSD. Importantly, these effects come without the multitude of side effects often found with pharmaceutical intervention. As with nutrition, this does not need to be complicated and can often be done from the comfort of your own home. My personal favorite for stress relief is a walk in the woods.

Self-Care and Wellness- Blue Spruce Acupuncture- Highlands, Denver, and Lakewood


Exercise: some of us love it, and some of us dread it. What has become clear through the research is the fact that being regularly active is extremely beneficial to our overall wellness. It enhances our mood, increases energy, increases cognitive function and neuro-regeneration, and helps maintain hormonal and chemical balance within the body. What is less clear is how to best stay active and for how long. While there are hundreds of exercise programs and theories available, it can be as simple as a daily walk in the park. What will benefit someone most is entirely dependent on the individual. A great place to start is 20-40 minutes a day of an activity you enjoy. What many people don’t consider is the possibility of doing too much which can actually be stressful to the body for some individuals. It’s all about balance. I will help you find a routine that fits your lifestyle and is sustainable.